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Announcement on printing and distributing medium and long-term talent development plan of the national Food and Drug Administration (2011—2020)

Addtime:Apr.18, 2012      Source:admin

The provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under Food and Drug Administration (FDA Bureau), Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Food and Drug Administration, each department bureau of State Bureau, each directly-under unit:

In order to fully implement the spirit of conference of countrywide talent work and "national medium and long-term talent development plan (2010—2020), promote the scientific development of food and drug administration, practically ensure food and drug safety and in accordance with the and other related planning deployment and requirement, SFDA formulated the "national food and drug supervision and long-term talent development plan (2011—2020)", which was discussed and passed by SFDA talent development planning work leading group and now it is printed and distributed to you. All the Food and Drug Administrations, in accordance with the requirements, combined with the actual situation, actively do a good job with a local talent development planning, formulate and implement actual proposal and the concrete plan and seriously carry it out.


                                                    April 18, 2012

Medium and long-term talent development plan of the national Food and Drug Administration


In order to implement the "national medium and long-term talent development plan (2010—2020), promote the scientific development of food and drug administration, ensure food and drug safety and in accordance with the deployment and requirements of the and Medicine and Health care in medium and long-term talent development plan (2011—2020), this plan is thus formulated.


Food and drug safety is related to public health and social harmony. Strengthening the food and drug administration is the inevitable requirement to guarantee the food and drug safety and is also the important content to enhance and innovate social management. The food and drug administration is characterized with policy, profession and technology, so building a high-quality, specialized in food and drug administration personnel is the important basis for enhancing the supervision ability and level and safeguarding food and drug safety.

The food and drug administration personnel includes administrative supervision and technical supervision personnel. Food and drug administration personnel are those engaged in food, health food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, medical devices safety supervision, inspection, law enforcement, policies and regulations research and formulation and comprehensive management personnel; technical supervision personnel are meant to be the professional and technical personnel engaged in food, health food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment inspection and supervision, the technical review, monitoring and assessment.

Food and drug regulatory system has always considered the talent team construction as the most indefatigable strategic project. After years of efforts, the scale of talents gradually expands,the overall quality ceaselessly promoted, personnel efficiency rose significantly and they played an important role in supervision. By the end of 2010, the gross of the national food and drug supervisory personnel was more than 80,000 people, including over 30,000 of technical supervision personnel.

However, in the face of the new situation and new tasks in the field of China's food and drug administration, the overall level for the food and drug supervision personnel is not high, mainly displaying in the following: talent gross cannot satisfy the need of the existing functions , personnel structure is irrational, high level and internationalized talents are in serious lack, talent education and training system are still not perfect, talent development system is waiting to be perfected urgently and personnel quality and ability is to be improved.

The next ten years is the critical period for our country's overall constructing a comparatively well-off society, party and state has put forward higher requirements to ensure food and drug safety, food and drug supervision will enter scientific regulation track and talent development is a very difficult task. We must plan scientificly, develop, innovate, make a key breakthrough and the overall propulsion and provide a strong talent support for the realization of scientific supervision, improving food and drug safety level and promoting social harmony development.

1.Guiding ideology, basic principles and development target

(1) Guiding ideology

Hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics,with Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of "Three Represents" as guidance, thoroughly apply the scientific outlook to development , vigorously carry out the scientific concept of monitoring, emphasize talent priority to be useful, take the food and drug regulatory requirement as the basis, with ability construction as the core, a higher level international talents, urgent need and shortage expertises, grass-roots supervision talent team construction as the focus, take strengthening the education and training base and perfecting education and training system as the carrier, consider the combining of personnel training and the introduction as a means, expand talent team, optimize talent structure, improve the quality of qualified personnel, innovate talent development system, create a good environment for the growth of talent and provide a solid guarantee to talents and a broad range of intellectual support for cogently fulfilling food drug regulatory responsibility and secure food and drug safety.

(2) Basic principles

Aggrandize responsibility, service and supervision. Adhere to ensureing the safety of food and drug as the starting point and final goal of talent work, take safeguarding firmly public health rights as sense of responsibility and promote with priority the supervision personnel development. Around the development goals for food and drug administration, determine talent team construction task, according to the need of food and drug administration, develop human resource policy and measures, inspect personnel working effect with the achievements for food and drug administration and promote the change to high-quality, professional direction for the food and drug administration personnel.

Lead at a high point and tamp base. Cultivate the leaders who are expert at innovation and practising the concept of scientific supervision, the international talents familiar with international regulatory affairs, the backbone personnel with a high level of technical supervision and give full play to the leading role of the talents with high administrative levels in food and drug supervision work and talent team construction. Strengthen the administrative supervision and technical supervision talent team construction, improve the quality of the grass-roots talent and promote the regional coordinated development for the national food and drug safety guarantee ability.

Make comprehensive advance and a key breakthrough. Strengthen the overall planning for the construction of talent team, give full play to all forces, integrate resource, form resultant force, advance coordinate development in the round for food and drug supervisory personnel. Adapt to the the new situation for social economic development, persist in reform and innovation, focus on resolving the prominent problems of restricting supervision personnel development, accelerate to form the system to facilitate supervision team for occupation, professional development and provide basic protection for the talent work.

    Construct in classification and implement step by step. Under the overall framework for the talent development strategy, according to the food, health food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, medical devices supervision work and the current situation of talents, determine in classification all types of personnel construction target, implement various tasks step-by-step and form gradually the development pattern of substantial in number, structural optimization, excellent quality and high-end leading talents.

(3) Development target

By 2020, cultivate a team of the food and drug administration personnel with a proper scale, reasonable structure, business skills, excellent quality, constantly innovate talent development system, create a good environment for talents development, lay a solid foundation of talents for accelerating the development of the cause of the food and drug administration.

Supervision talent gross grows steadily. By 2015, supervisory personnel gross will achieve 0.11 / 1000 equipped standard, by 2020, gross of supervision personnel 0.13 / 1000 equipped standard, and talent scale can meet the basic needs of supervision work.

Further optimize the structure of supervision personnel. By 2015, personnel proportion for the bachelor's degree or above will not be less than 75%, and by 2020, 95% above; by 2015, master's degree or above more than 15%, and 20% in 2020; by 2015, closely related professionals for the food and drug administration will reach more than 75%; by 2020, technical supervision personnel will account for the proportion of the total increase of the supervision personnel, and professional personnel distribution and levels tend to be reasonable.

Regulatory personnel quality and the ability further enhance. By 2015, yearly professional training proportion for all kinds of supervision personnel will achieve 100%, and the proportion has increased year by year for the legal education and training background of the administrative supervision personnel; by 2020, realize the whole process educational training for supervision personnel occupation career, the ratio of administrative supervision personnel with the legal education training background will reach 100%, the supervision ability will meet the needs of scientific supervisionn and professional technology field will reach the international advanced level.

Policy environment for supervision talent development improves significantly. By 2020, the talent cultivation and development, evaluation, selection and appointment, flowing configuration , incentive and guarantee system will be more scientific and perfect, legal and policy environment for talent development will improve apparently and use efficiency for talents will rise significantly.

2.Main task for team construction

(1)Strengthen talent team construction for technical supervision with high level

Construction goal: Bring up a group of technical supervision personnel with high level,  domestic authority and have a certain influence in the international regulatory affairs. By 2020, train and introduce 1,000 high-level technical supervision personnel.

Main measures: widen channel, increase investment, build the system to bring up and introduce high level technical supervision personnel, formulate in classification, implement training and introduction plan. Rely on the workstation and scientific research mobile station for the postdoctoral, the major task and project, national key laboratories and united laboratory and plan to train inspection and testing leading talents and academic leaders. Establish scientific research fund, give aid to young talents in research and train a batch of detecting and testing talents with the ability to do research.

Focus on the international institutions and international organizations, implement advanced  plan for the high-level international talents, strive to cultivate and introduce high-level technical supervision personnel familiar with food and drug research and development trend, adapting to the food and pharmaceutical industry development level, having the ability of deeply involving in the international regulatory affairs to carry out the work of technical evaluation, inspection and monitoring evaluation.

(2) Strengthen technical supervision the talents team construction badly needed

Construction target: Plan and focus on training and introducing a number of urgently-needed technical supervision specialized personnel. By 2020, train 10,000 people technical supervision backbone personnel in various fields and the gross for detecting and inspecting personnel will increase to 39,000 people.

Main measures: Establish the guidance for the technical supervision talent team construction, train and introduce interdisciplinary compound talents. Carry out professional training for the  reviewers, expand evaluation team dimensions of drug and medical device, and build the national and provincial review team with reasonable professional structure. Establish national full-time inspectors for drug and medical equipment and gradually promote the professionalization development for provincial drug, medical inspector team. Speed up talent team construction for food, health food, cosmetic inspection, supervision and inspection and expand the training scale. Focus on expanding national monitoring and evaluation team, reasonably allocate provincial monitoring and evaluating full-time personnel, and directionally train the backbone of business. Focus on the cultivation of innovative, composite, skill type talents and scientifically configurate talent proportion.

(3) Strengthen grass-roots supervision talent team construction

Construction objective: Focus on enhancing administrative supervision and technical supervision ability as the key point, build the grass-roots talent team adapting to the need of supervision work.

By 2020, grass-roots supervision personnel will increase by 100, 000 on the existing basis.

Main measures: Formulate the guiding proposal for the primary regulators talent configuration on the basis of area population, regulatory objects and administrative area and amount, rationally  expand the scale for grassroots supervision personnel, and promote the township and rural supervision forces configuration. Develop grass-roots supervision personnel access standards. Complete and strengthen supervision personnel for food, health food and cosmetics. Fully implement post professional training. Strengthen law enforcement inspection team construction, intensify the training and management. Increase the basic inspection personnel training, and strengthen the quick detection technology training. Establish documented appointment system for the inspecting and testing personnel. Advance talent team construction for basic monitoring and evaluation, and improve the degree of specialization. Vigorously carry out the primary regulatory personnel continuing education, encourage participation in job education, promote grass-roots supervision level of education and improve professionals proportion for food and drug regulators required.

(4) Strengthen alent team construction for all kinds of supervision

Construction objective: Establish scientific talent training system, train the talent team adapting to the need of scientific supervision, optimize their knowledge structure and professional structure for the supervision personnel, and promote the overall coordinate development for all types of supervision personnel.  

Main measures: consolidate the foundation for all types of supervision personnel construction, establish and improve the training system of regulatory domain with professional education and classification with improving the quality and ability as the core, set and optimize related disciplines and professional that all kinds of supervision personnel required, and develop large-scale education and training. Implement the quality and ability upgrade project for the head of supervision system. Implement the occupation training project for the administrative supervision personnel. Strengthen the construction of policy study personnel, information technology personnel, emergency management personnel and news propaganda talent team. Create a compound talent team of politically reliable, excellent business, having administrative management ability, business management ability and social management capacity. Strengthen management of foreign experts.


(1) Establish and perfect the supervision personnel access system

Regularly carry out talent demand forecasting, and with priority select urgently needed talents. Study and formulate quality competency model and post duty standard for the supervision personnel of different levels and posts, and establish the post condition for all kinds of regulatory post. Perfect personnel selection system with many kinds of form of combination for the open recruitment, examination, recommended evaluation and so on, explore appointment, employment, and elective appointments for the regulatory personnel, perfect the system of competition for posts and contract management and standardize comprehensive supervision personnel occupation admittance.

(1)Establish and perfect the system for the supervision talent cultivation and development

According to the supervision professional characteristics, gradually establish the food and drug administration related discipline system; build supervisory post standardization training system, gradually establish the talent cultivation and development system for a new training, daily training and postgraduate training at multiple levels, covering the whole process for the supervision personnel occupation career; strengthen the standardized management of the training bases, training content, training methods, assessment, organization and implementation.

(3) Establish and perfect the talent exchange supervision system

Adhere to personnel training in multi-turn-rotation post, implement regularly exchange system for the key staff, promote the personnel exchanges between the administrative supervision agency and technical supervision agency; encourage excellent administrative talents to flow to outlying area, select the supervision personnel from the National Bureau and the Provincial Bureau to the grass-roots, especially to the western area or impoverished areas to practise with their original position. Build the talent and technology exchange and cooperation system helpful for promoting primary regulatory ability, increase western area talent training, select western regulators to the East and Mid areas authorities for post practice; select technology supervision personnel for further study in education, scientific research, production and other institutions.

(4) Establish and improve the talent evaluation and incentive system

    Perfect the evaluation method of occupation level for the food and drug administration personnel, establish diverse talents evaluation and incentive system, and promote talent showing itself. Perfect the incentive and guarantee system fully reflecting the personnel value, advantageous in stimulating the talent vigor and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests, and stabilize the talent team. Strengthen the supervision personnel training, further improve the management system for the continuing education credit and educational training archives, establish the linkage system of the training evaluation and talent management, perfect the recognition and the reward system for the excellent talents, increase talent award, and stimulate talents innovation vigor.

(5) Safety supervision personnel management mode for innovative medicines and medical equipment

 According to the whole process quality management requirements of medicines and medical apparatus, set up specialization and professionalization system for the supervision and inspection team, improve specialization and professionalization system for the technical review team, innovate review position system management mode; build high-level, international review personnel training mode of the link of school education, specialized training, job practice, and the combining of domestic fostering and international exchange and cooperation; explore the establishment of inspection and testing personnel occupation channel and reasonable flow system, as well as a focus on training and international talent introduction system. Explore the establishment of technical supervision of chief expert system.

 4.Major talent project

(1)High level international regulatory personnel populsion egineering

Actively promote the cultivation of the international talents, and formulate in classification the plan for personnel training and the introduction in various fields with high level for food and drug supervision. Give full play to the leading and demonstrative role for the national regulatory agencies, at least once a year introducing 1-3 technological leading talents, and by 2020, not less than 20 people. At least once a year send 10 young business backbone to go abroad for further study, by 2020,  not less than 100 people; at least once a year hold one stage domestic and foreign food and drug supervision senior class of 20 in number; at least once a year focus on training 100 high level professionals with related fields of food and drug inspection testing, technical evaluation, supervision and inspection, monitoring and evaluation.

(2) Regulatory personnel to update the knowledge engineering

  Adapt to the needs of social development, the progress of science and technology and the improvement of people's livelihood, surrounding the regulation philosophy, basic theory, professional knowledge and practice, carry out large-scale renewal of knowledge and training, and constantly improve supervision personnel performance ability. Supervision departments at all levels make full use of the central government's subsidies to local regulatory capacity building project funds and all levels of finance expenditure, by 2020, average and annual training of food, health food, cosmetic regulatory personnel should not be less than 20, 000 people, drug regulatory personnel , not less than 15, 000 people, medical device regulatory personnel, not less than 10, 000 people. Among them, the badly needed professional and technical personnel, not less than 11, 000. Carry out the regular national training for the members of leading group from provincial regulators, and the mainly responsible people from district and county administrative regulatory agencies and provincial and district technical supervision agencies.

(3) Administrative supervision staff occupation training project

Develop the specialized staff's training for the new supervision team or the new regulatory positions, and those not having administrative supervision experience. Set up standardized training curriculum, every year implement the national demonstration training, focusing on the training of relevant personnel 100. And rating carrying out, complete all training staff pre-service training, not post without training.

(4) Food, health food, cosmetics supervision talent team construction project

Scientifically check personnel-equipped standard, timely transfer and equip with supervision and law enforcement personnel, gradually establish the professional supervision team with a total of not less than 0.06 / 1000 equipped standard. Build superintendency personnel competency model, have strict access standards, complete and strengthen the supervision team. Implement the training for all the staff in classification, strengthen professional knowledge, regulatory practice, emergency management, laws and regulations training. Establish the team of food supervision social wardens and social supervisors, establish the layout of supervision power transverse to the edge, vertical to the end to ensure the equalization of public services. Accelerate testing talent team construction, by 2020, strive to build a food, health food, cosmetic inspection team with 10,000 members.

(5) Regulatory personnel education and training base engineering

Establish the supervision personnel training system taking the State Food and Drug Administration Senior College as a leader, and the regional education training base as a support; equip and gradually improve the teaching, research and training facilities adaptive to all kinds of talent cultivation; establish and gradually improve regulatory discipline, curriculum and teaching material system, train and construct training teachers' team of facultative combination; establish the distance education and training network platform covering the whole system.

5.To organize the implementation

(1) Strengthen organization and leadership

The SFDA is responsible for the macro guidance of the planning and implementation and coordination, make each goal task , decompose the implementation scheme and major projects implementation measures. All-level food and drug administrations should firmly establish the concept that talent resource is the first resource, and in combination with the local actual situation, formulate specific team construction scheme. Strengthen communication and coordination with relevant departments, increase resource integration efforts, take practical and effective measures, unremittingly better the talent team construction.

(2) Implement key tasks

   In the process of planning and implementation, the relevant departments and units, take the main task and major projects as the focus, combine with the actual work, decompose the target task, make  clear the division and time schedule, formulate the related policy, establish scientific decision-making system, coordination system and supervision and the implementation system, aggrandize responsibility, refine steps, cooperate to ensure each task fulfilled in the round.

(3) Strengthethen work of talent management

Strengthen the construction of talent team and system, establish the implementation of monitoring, assessment and checking and strengthen supervision and urge. Carry out ongoing supervision of talent development strategy research. Advance supervision personnel informatization construction, improve the personnel information platform and database. Perfect the supervision personnel statistics and release a system regularly. Increase talent strategy thought and policy advocacy, and build good environment and atmosphere helpful for the implementation of the plan.

(4)Strengthen the talent development investment security

Promote the establishment of investment system from the government fiscal investment for the food and drug administration talent development, ensure the priority of supervision personnel development funds and financial support. Widen the education and training fund channels, actively strive for the international organizations, intergovernmental personnel training project, form financing system from many channels. Establish talent building special funds, train the excellent supervision talents. Strengthen supervision and evaluation of the use of funds, and improve efficiency in the use of funds.

(5) Strengthen the law security for the talent development

   Adhere to promoting the development of talents with the legal system guarantee, improve the scientific, institutionalized and standardization level for food and drug regulatory professionals. Accelerate the drawing and revision process of the pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, health food, and cosmetic regulations, provide legal protection for the supervision personnel to perform the functions, promote to form the legal system and policy environment favorable for regulation talent development.